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Yin Yoga & Shiatsu Massage. Urban Day Retreat

sáb, 27 jul


Hara yoga studio

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Yin Yoga & Shiatsu Massage. Urban Day Retreat
Yin Yoga & Shiatsu Massage. Urban Day Retreat

Horario y ubicación

27 jul 2019, 11:00 – 17:00

Hara yoga studio, Via Augusta, 165, 08021 Barcelona, España


Acerca del evento





11-13h Summer Masterclass

15-17h Yin Yoga and shiatsu 



Full Retreat (Masterclass + Yin Yoga & Shiatsu) :Partner 50€/ No Partner60€

Masterclass: Partner 30€/ No partner 35€

Yin and shiatsu : Partner 30€/ No partner 35€

El precio no incluye IVA / Price does not include taxes



-The schedules are those that appear on the page.

-It is the obligation of every student to abide by all the relevant safety rules and to operate within our facilities with due care and safety, Hara Yoga Studio and teachers are not responsible for any injury or illness.

-If you dont have made the payment the place will not be reserved, you can do it directly in our center (Vía Augusta 165, BCN) or bank transfer, do not forget to add the name of the participant, name of the event and name of the workshop, remember to send your voucher to our email:



Join Bety Aracil (Spain), Kirsty Greene and Steven Luks (Australia) in this beautiful journey to refresh, renew and restore through the practice of Yin yoga and Shiatsu.


This Urban day retreat will lead you through an awake breathing learning talking outward morning and then an inward, restful, comprehending, embodying afternoon.


You are invited to take advantage of this collaboration of three passionate practitioners that truly believe in the benefits of taking rest from the thinking mind, bringing awareness and ease to the physical body and dissolving into the practice of yoga.

A truly gift for yourself .


All are welcome, no previous yoga experience required, just an open mind, interest in learning and desire to offer yourself a chance to replenish.




Maintain balance in containing the fire element, tone and rejuvenate the nervous system.

बहाल  Join Bety Aracil and Kirsty Greene, senior Yin yoga teachers from Barcelona, Spain and Melbourne, Australia for a masterclass dedicated to understanding and practicing techniques and skills that can assist to tone and soothe the nervous system during the summer season. 


The masterclass will combine a mixture of crafts including gentle body movement, yoga, yin yoga holds and intensive kidney/bladder meridian sequencing, breath work, partner work, self massage techniques, yoga nidra, anatomy awareness, education around food options to cool the body and nourish the kidneys and guided meditation. As the nervous system helps all parts of the body to communicate and reacts to changes both inside and outside the body, Bety and Kirsty invite you to turn your attention inwards, dedicate time to rejuvenate the complex structure and enjoy strengthening your awareness of the subtle network buzzing within ( individual and partner work).


The practice will focused on the spine and centre of gravity as well as the kidney/bladder meridian, yogis will be lead through a slow and steady body movement, sequence, partner work combining spinal anatomy awareness and the breath, meditation practice and a nervous system restore cooling TEA TONIC to close. 


••Yogis are encouraged to experience and absorb the knowledge shared as well as ask questions in either Spanish or English so we may dive deeper into understanding. 



YIN YOGA AND SHIATSU MASSAGE ~Yin Yoga with hands on adjustments 

Join Kirsty Greene and Steven Luks for an exploratory Yin class, utilising postures that compliment a combination of Shiatsu techniques, lymphatic drainage massage and cranial sacral therapy: rhythmic massage, assisted stretching, and joint mobilisation.   


In this unique two hour experience Kirsty and Steven will bring greater detail to individual practice, highlighting areas of low sensitivity and identify areas of excess tension. Kirsty and Steven will offer gentle hands on adjustments and light tough to safely add depth to postures, along with meridian massage to promote lymphatic drainage and enhance sensory awareness, allowing further ease to permeate the tissues.




Hello, My name is Kirsty Greene

I am an Australian qualified nurse, practicing for 14 years and a Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher. It is with great pleasure I offer classes in body movement, as it is a passion of mine to remind and help people find ways to access more subtle, sensitive areas of the body that are often forgotten and ignored.


Having worked in many different fields of nursing, my progress in the past 2 years has taken me into new territory and taught me a lot more about understanding human struggles. Currently I am working in assistance of the homeless in Melbourne with the hope that our presence helps create a sense of community in places of instability, increase health self awareness and access to essential services, as well as provide safety and opportunities for recovery from chronic and continuing trauma and mental health issues often resulting in addiction, an issue that underpins a great percentage of homelessness in Australia. Through this work, although disheartening to see the conditions and treatment of people at many times,  I am often exposed to the most raw and natural offerings of human spirit and feel a lot of pride knowing how much people wish to turn their situation for the better. I feel a strong desire to ensure that all people, especially those marginalised by factors out of their control, have access to the means they need to feel some sense of stability in their world's. In saying this it has only further strengthened my love and understanding for teaching a Yin practice. 


I see and hear that it often provides the only time in many peoples lives to be in one place, unmoving, sitting with the difficulties that arise in mind and body and process the stress and unheard emotions that we gather day by day in our modern times. It's a soft practice with a lot of depth, on a personal level it has helped greatly in calming my very busy mind and settling nervous energy, it has been particularly useful in understanding my patterns of behaviour, my reactions and my discomfort with anxiety and the more time passes that I am teaching the more I learn from observing and the more I am honoured to pass on its value and essence.


I enjoy utilising a blend of the modalities I've trained in and feel appropriate in the moment, ranging from breath work, gentle body movement, Qigong inspired movements, meditation and Yoga Nidra. Working with the art of stillness and all that surfaces as a result, I invite people to observe their thinking mind, acknowledge arising emotions and experience the benefits of full nurturing breath in the body.


It is with great pleasure I share the skills I gather in my learning, and wish to welcome all who are interested to join me on the mat. 


Steven Luks 

Over the past 10 years I've been searching & studying with many disciplined, knowledgeable teachers in various schools of Yoga, Therapeutic Massage, Shiatsu Therapy, & Capoeira Angola. Following these interests has come from a love and desire to learn, honour, continue and pass on living traditions of health, cultural strength, community & knowledge. 


While I always remain a student, for the past 6 years I have been sharing my understanding of the body through Massage, Shiatsu and Movement therapy with clients in all conditions from all walks of life. Principally from private studios I have worked alongside and learned further techniques from lead Osteopaths, Physiotherapists & Chiropractors and attempt to cohesively blend these teachings with every treatment I do. Having lived and worked throughout many areas in Australia, I've now continued this work as I travel through South America and Europe, as well as serving as a tool to enjoy communicating in ways that are familiar to me it's also opened many doors in learning a new language and beginning to connect with different cultures and continues to remind me why I value work so much.


Commencing in 2017 Kirsty Greene & I began collaborating with events that utilise her gift for leading beautifully structured Yin Yoga classes with the both of us offering hands on adjustments to deepen each students' experience of opening through each posture. We have had great success with each session and in the process have learned more about ourselves and how we work with one another, we feel honoured to continue offering this as we travel abroad and get to meet and share with more people interested in caring for themselves and others







11 - 13H Masterclass Yin Yoga de verano

15 - 17H Yin Yoga y Shiatsu . 

PRECIO: Urban retreat completo (Masterclass + Yin Yoga & Shiatsu): Socio 50 € / No Socio60 € Masterclass: Socio 30 € / No socio 35 € Yin y shiatsu: Socio 30 € / No socio 35 € . 

El precio no incluye IVA / Price does not include taxes



-Los horarios son los que aparecen en la página. 

-Es obligación de todos los estudiantes cumplir con todas las reglas de seguridad pertinentes y operar dentro de nuestras instalaciones con el debido cuidado y seguridad, Hara Yoga Studio y los maestros no son responsables de ninguna lesión o enfermedad. 

-Si no ha realizado el pago no se reservará el lugar, puede hacerlo directamente en nuestro centro (Vía Augusta 165, BCN) o transferencia bancaria, no olvide agregar el nombre del participante, el nombre del evento y el nombre del taller, recuerde enviar su cupón a nuestro correo electrónico: 




• Encuentra el equilibrio a través del elemento Fuego tonificando y rejuveneciendo el sistema nervioso.

लाल Acompaña a Bety Aracil y Kirsty Greene, maestras sénior de yin yoga de Barcelona(España)y Melbourne(Australia) en esta clase magistral dedicada a comprender y practicar técnicas y habilidades que pueden ayudar a tonificar y calmar el sistema nervioso durante la estación de verano.


La masterclass combinará técnicas en las  que se incluye suaves y dinámicos movimientos corporales, yoga, yin yoga ,  secuenciación intensiva de meridianos de riñón / vejiga, trabajo de respiración, trabajo en parejas, técnicas de auto masaje, yoga nidra, anatomía, educación sobre opciones de alimentos para enfriar el cuerpo -nutrir los riñones y meditación guiada. 

Debido a que el sistema nervioso ayuda a todas las partes del cuerpo a comunicarse y reacciona a los cambios tanto dentro como fuera del cuerpo, Bety y Kirsty os invitan a dirigir la atención hacia el interior, dedicar tiempo a rejuvenecer la compleja estructura nerviosa y disfrutar fortaleciendo la consciencia de esa red sutil que resuena en el interior (trabajo individual y de pareja).

La práctica se centrará en la columna vertebral y el centro de gravedad así como en los meridianos del riñón / vejiga, los yoguis serán conducidos a través de un movimiento corporal lento y constante,  secuencia yin, trabajo en parejas que combina la conciencia anatómica de la columna vertebral y respiración, práctica de meditación y para cerrar ofreceremos un TÉ TÓNICO para refrescar y restaurar el sistema nervioso.


• Animaremos a los yoguis a experimentar y absorber el conocimiento compartido, así como a hacer preguntas en español o en inglés para que podamos profundizar, compartir y asimilar mejor lo aprendido en la clase .

Todo el mundo bienvenido 



YIN YOGA Y MASAJE SHIATSU ~ Yin Yoga con ajustes(masaje)

Acompaña a los australianos Steven Luks y Kirsty Greene en esta clase especial para  explorar el  lado Yin, en una sesión que combinará posturas de Yin Yoga complementadas con técnicas de masaje japonés Shiatsu, masaje de drenaje linfático y terapia  sacro-craneal: masaje rítmico, estiramiento asistido y movilización articular. 


En esta experiencia única de dos horas, Kirsty y Steven aportarán mayor detalle y profundidad a tu práctica individual, destacando áreas de baja sensibilidad e identificando áreas con exceso de tensión. 


Kirsty y Steven ofrecerán ajustes suaves y ligeros con las mano para añadir profundidad a las posturas de manera segura, junto con un masaje  de meridianos para promover el drenaje linfático y aumentar la conciencia sensorial, lo que permitirá una mayor facilidad para impregnar y liberar los tejidos.


Un verdadero regalo !


  • Full Urban retreat / Socios

    50,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Full Retreat / No socios

    60,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Yin Masterclass / Socio

    30,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Yin Masterclass / No socio

    35,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Yin y Shiatsu / Socios

    30,00 €
    Venta finalizada
  • Yin y Shiatsu / No Socios

    35,00 €
    Venta finalizada


0,00 €

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